My Fundraising Progress

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday, March 22

Happy Saturday! I've had an uneventful day - you know, just the usual stuff. Nothing major, really. Got up, ran 19 miles, did the errands with the kids, made the dish I'm bringing to Easter brunch, etc. Just a regular day.

Wait a second, you say? 19 miles, you ask?

Yeah baybee! You read that right! 19 miles (well, 19.34, to be exact) CRUSHED this morning! It was a BLAST running with my club - the miles really just flew by - it was SO much easier running with the crew. We'd get talking and suddenly 5 miles were gone. You go through a few stories, and before you know it, you're done! Only 30 minutes on the bike after the run, although I could have easily done 40 - I felt great. I'm feeling slightly sore as usual, but other than really, really, really just wanting to go to bed at around 4:30 this afternoon (I'm beyond exhausted right now), I feel fantastic.

Woo Hoo! OMG, you guys. Seriously. Can you believe this?????? NINETEEN MILES?!? That's just .... ridiculous! And not only did I do it, it wasn't horrible. It was fun. In fact, it was GREAT. Why aren't people who do this regularly walk around screaming at the top of their lungs how INCREDIBLE this is? They should be trying to recruit EVERYONE they meet, constantly. It's downright selfish not to share this incredible experience with the world!!!!

After I got off the bike, I was so pumped. Did an obnoxious pose for the hubby and announced: "I am an Endurance Animal!" I think, perhaps, a monster is in the midst of being created here folks.

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, that is truly amazing- well done!!
I have to ask you what sort of diet do you follow to keep your energy levels up?
