My Fundraising Progress

Sunday, March 30, 2008

And the taper begins...

Yesterday, I ran my last long run with my running club, along the course route. We met up at town center at 5:55am, and our two transport vehicles promptly left for Hopkinton at 6:00am. We drove to the starting line, where I marveled at the simplicity of it. Hopkinton is a small town in central Massachusetts. If it weren't for the marathon, I'm doubtful anyone would have ever heard of it. It's cute enough, but quite unremarkable. I'm sure it will look totally different with 30,000+ people lined up on race day! We then drove 4 miles along the course to Ashland, where we were dumped from the cars and started our run. HUGE snaps to our drivers - they acted as our support vehicles throughout our run, meeting us every 5 miles so that we could reload our drink bottles, gels, act as privacy guards for "nature breaks," etc. They ROCKED.

It was incredible to run along the course, with folks who were Boston veterans. They gave me great tips about what to expect all along the way - where the crowds got thin (a VERY short stretch around mile 6...), where the downhills can kill you if you aren't careful, etc. It was also fun to hear all the old race stories - I just kept thinking that I can't wait to do the same for a Boston newbie someday. "I remember my first Boston marathon, many years ago. You'll love this story..."

The miles just clicked by - before I knew it, we were turning onto Comm Ave, heading into the Newton Hills (aka Heartbreak). As I had already known, they aren't in and of themselves all that bad - it's that they come at mile 20, after nearly 20 solid miles of downhill running, and that kills you. I still felt good after getting through Heartbreak, but I did start looking at my watch once I hit the 19 mile mark. It was AWESOME to be with folks I've run with for years when I clipped my 19.34 mile distance PR - we all whooped and hollered for me as I passed that milestone! By then I was getting tired, and hurting a bit. My feet and ankles hurt, which was a new one for me. I don't think it was anything bad - just the newness of running 20+ miles. The curbs we occasionally had to maneuver felt like they were each the size of Mt. Everest, and I was insanely happy to see the famed Citgo sign and Fenway as we approached the final mile. Turning onto Boylston St. was incredible - knowing that it's going to be about 10,000 times more incredible on race day is just mind-boggling.

I came just up to the finish line, but did not cross it - that's special. And I can't wait to do it a mere 3 weeks from now!!!!

I was tired and a bit sore for the remainder of the day, but generally felt pretty good! Today I feel great and can't believe I am honestly ready for this.

So now I start my taper, and before I know it, race day will be here!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday, March 22

Happy Saturday! I've had an uneventful day - you know, just the usual stuff. Nothing major, really. Got up, ran 19 miles, did the errands with the kids, made the dish I'm bringing to Easter brunch, etc. Just a regular day.

Wait a second, you say? 19 miles, you ask?

Yeah baybee! You read that right! 19 miles (well, 19.34, to be exact) CRUSHED this morning! It was a BLAST running with my club - the miles really just flew by - it was SO much easier running with the crew. We'd get talking and suddenly 5 miles were gone. You go through a few stories, and before you know it, you're done! Only 30 minutes on the bike after the run, although I could have easily done 40 - I felt great. I'm feeling slightly sore as usual, but other than really, really, really just wanting to go to bed at around 4:30 this afternoon (I'm beyond exhausted right now), I feel fantastic.

Woo Hoo! OMG, you guys. Seriously. Can you believe this?????? NINETEEN MILES?!? That's just .... ridiculous! And not only did I do it, it wasn't horrible. It was fun. In fact, it was GREAT. Why aren't people who do this regularly walk around screaming at the top of their lungs how INCREDIBLE this is? They should be trying to recruit EVERYONE they meet, constantly. It's downright selfish not to share this incredible experience with the world!!!!

After I got off the bike, I was so pumped. Did an obnoxious pose for the hubby and announced: "I am an Endurance Animal!" I think, perhaps, a monster is in the midst of being created here folks.

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


That's me. 21563.

The bib numbers are up, and I am so excited it's ridiculous.

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Fa, a Long Long Way to Run..."

As in 17 miles!

Yes, another personal record on the books my friends. Seventeen miles. SEVENTEEN MILES! That's crazy. Ludicrous. Totally and completely absurd.

And so freakin' cool.

Look out, Hopkinton - I'm on my way!!!!!

Have Mercy!

To be more precise, "Have Mercy, the Sequel!" My Saturdays have been devoted to killer bike workouts recently. The latest torture in the basement has been Spinervals Have Mercy, The Sequel: This brutally intense 2 hour workout is a compilation of some of the most demanding interval sets from Spinervals 8.0 through 14.0 designed specifically to make the fittest athletes suffer and beg Coach Troy to once again 'Have Mercy"!!


While utterly and completely killer, the sense of accomplishment when this workout is completed is priceless. This week was no exception. The cool thing is that doing these killers for the last many Saturdays (my coach had me doing the original Have Mercy for a few weeks, then changed it up with Have Mercy, The Sequel) have definitely improved my biking strength. While these are still puke-in-a-bucket hard, they are a bit less so now.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours!

I mean my PLAYLIST, of course!

So, what are your favorite running or workout tunes? I need to add more songs - my 15 miler made me lap my recently expanded playlist, and that just won't do. Here's what's currently on my iPod (don't laugh - this is a ROCKIN' playlist for running!):

Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
Always Something There to Remind Me (Naked Eyes)
Get the Party Started (Pink)
Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Will Smith)
What You Need (INXS)
Tubthumping (Chumbawamba)
Unbelievable (EMF)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
Real Gone (Cheryl Crow)
Devil Inside (INXS)
Mr. Jones (Counting Crows)
Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison)
She Drives Me Crazy (Fine Young Cannibals)
You Spin Me Round (Dead or Alive)
American Girl (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
I Feel Love (Blue Man Group)
Love Shack (B52's)
New Sensation (INXS)
Zoot Suit Riot (Cherry Poppin' Daddies)
Roll to Me (Del Amitri)
Life is a Highway (Rascal Flats)
Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N' Roses)
You Shook Me All Night Long (AC/DC)
Don't Stop Me Know (Queen)
Route 66 (John Mayer)
Simply Irresistible (Robert Palmer)
Living In America (James Brown)
Good Thing (Fine Young Cannibals)
Runnin' Down a Dream (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
Land of Confusion (Genesis)
Wild Wild Life (Talking Heads)
Summer of '69 (Bryan Adams)
Another One Bites the Dust (Queen)

Random Thursday

It's Thursday, which means it's a medium run day (6 miles that turned into 7 - funny how that always seems to happen!). I love these runs, as they are supposed to be simply an aerobic run (so no hard stuff!), and it's a very easy distance. I'm up and out by 6:00am and I head around Mystic Lake, which is always gorgeous to run around. There are some folks out running (and of course we exchange the Runner's Nod, which roughly translated, means: "Morning dude. Keep up the good work!"), some out biking ("Ride on!"), and some early birds heading out to work ("Sucks to be you. But please don't pull out as I run in front of you - it's not my fault...").

It's these runs that make me believe everyone should love running. I totally understand why everyone won't jump at the chance to run a marathon - it is a bit crazy, after all. But there simply is nothing better than an easy run on a crisp, clear morning. Watching the sun come up over Mystic Lake while most of the inhabitants of the houses that surround it are still asleep? That's simply priceless.

It's Thursday, which means I ran this morning. And therefore, life is good.