My Fundraising Progress

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm Crooked!

I'm crooked. So says my Physical Therapist today. I apparently have a slight, but noticeable bend in my spine, somewhere in the c9/c10 region. Oddly, I'm not the typical "S" shape that is common with a slight case of scoliosis. I just bend once - I'm straight, then I take a turn, then I'm straight again. Weird.

Oh, and my left calf is "clearly, substantially more developed than my right." How have I left the house each day, such an obscene mess? I'm lucky I haven't been frightening children as I walk down the street!

So as you can surmise, I had my first PT session today, and apparently I'm a walking disaster. However, my freakish abnormalities may have absolutely nothing to do with my calf issue, and are just a part of my charm. We don't know yet. Either way, I'm adding additional yoga days to my schedule. Crooked spine. Substantially uneven calf development. Harumph.

The good news is that there doesn't seem to be anything horribly wrong with my calf. I've got a variety of stretches (Oh - did I mention that my legs and especially my calves are extremely tight? Crooked spine, unbalanced AND tight calves - when will the list end?) to do as well as a few strengthening exercises to encourage blood flow to the area. The current hypothesis is that I've got minor muscle tearing as the soleus muscle meets the achilles tendon. That area doesn't get much in the way of blood flow, so it's slow to heal. We are working on things to help encourage blood flow to speed up the process, as well as work on flexibility and strengthening of the area.

I meet with my PT again on Thursday - I wonder what else we'll find wrong with me? Stay tuned to find out!

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