My Fundraising Progress

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gear Hound

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE the latest gear gadget. I simply need the latest training tool / item of clothing / shoe / whatever-the-rage-is! It's an illness, really. But all in the name of fitness, so it's perfectly justifiable! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

My latest obsession is a new running shoe, the Newton. The theory is that the shoe puts you in a position to encourage a forefoot strike, rather than the more injury-prone and less efficient heel-strike. On top of sounding like pretty cool technology and high praise from regular folks as well as pros (who am I to question Ironman Champion Michellie Jones???), it's wicked cool looking. Seriously, take a look at this beauty:

So, if it doesn't make me actually run any faster, it will at the very least, make me look like a total stud while I'm plugging along at my usual pace. I'll take it.

I'll provide my review of the shoe when it arrives (yes, I actually ordered a pair, ridiculous price aside!) and I take it for a spin.

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