My Fundraising Progress

Saturday, February 2, 2008

79 Days?!?

Yipes! As of today, the Boston Marathon countdown shown at the top of this blog states I have 79 days left until the big day!


79 days.

That doesn't seem like much, does it? Training is going well though, so I'm not worried. While I'll definitely be toeing up to the starting line fairly undertrained (my longest long run will only be 20 miles due to my slow start), I know that I have a talent for enduring great physical suffering. I've got my son and his 23 hours of unmedicated back labor to thank for that tidbit of knowledge. An hour of ungodly pain for the great unknown that will be the last 10k of the race will seem like a blink of an eye in comparison.

The good news, as you may have gathered by now, is that the calf / achilles is feeling great. I graduated from physical therapy just before the holidays, and have been slowly but steadily increasing my running time ever since. My long run this week is up to ... 6 miles! Next week is 7, and from there, I increase by 2 miles almost every Sunday up until the big day (there is a recovery week tossed in there somewhere, and once I hit 20 I start my taper). I'm looking forward to racking up the mileage - the runs have been feeling really good lately, and all of the workouts I've been doing in the pool and on my bike trainer have been keeping my overall fitness level very high.

Onwards and upwards!

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