My Fundraising Progress

Monday, April 14, 2008

Michelle's Marathon Madness, Take 1

I'm crying constantly, essentially at the drop of a hat. EVERYTHING makes me think of race day. Which makes me think about: 1) how long I've been running, 2) the memory of my first 10 mile run many years ago which seemed like I had summited Mt. Everest, after many years of 5 mile runs, 3) the thought, years and years ago, that it would be SO COOL to run Boston the week before I turn 40, 4) Children's Hospital and Lauren's stay there, 5) thoughts I think I'll have along various parts of the course, and always, 6) imagining the finish line. These all flash through my head in rapid succession, as in a "life flashing before your eyes" kinda way, and I start crying.

"Damn, I'm late for a meeting. Gotta run." Gotta run -> run -> marathon -> rapid thoughts -> next thing I know I'm getting all choked up in the elevator as I make my way to the meeting on the 10th floor.

It's ridiculous, really. God help me when the radio plays "Runnin' Down a Dream." I'm a blubbering mess.

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